Insights for sharing, discussion, and learning.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

"...and away we go"

This week, while working with one of our newly acquired sales reps, I was able to listen to him explain to his very loyal customers why he opted to stay on with Nichols. Very eloquently, he told the story behind our logo, the Nichols Four Squares.

The logo was created many years ago and each square represents something important to help us remind ourselves of Life Balance. Those four squares represent, in no particular order:
  • Career
  • Family
  • Health
  • Community/Religion

On Friday, July 19, Sarah and I embark on a vacation that lifts me away from the Career Square and plants me firmly in my Family Square and my Health Square.

We're taking a trip west. Our final destination will be Glacier National Park. If you've never been there, make it a must-see destination.

Along the way we'll visit:
  1. Apostle Islands National Lakeshore
  2. Theodore Roosevelt National Park
  3. The Blackfeet Indian Reservation - Browning, Montana
Our daughter, Mallory, has been on Summer Project with Campus Crusade working on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation. This is her 2nd year on this Project. We'll be picking her up and bringing her home for the short, few weeks before she returns to college for her Junior year at Northern Michigan University.

Glacier grizzly bear encounter in the making. Cal, if I don't make it back, you can have my bike!

"...and away we go!"

Monday, July 8, 2013

In Affecting the Out

Everyone loves a great tasting burger, right? Grilled to perfection. Juicy. Your favorite toppings. Mmmm...... How can you go wrong?

Or how about that 12oz steak you ate on Friday night? Tasty

Those were my thoughts on my Sunday run. Well, if I'm honest I was really thinking, "Why did I eat that burger today?" and "Why, oh why, did I eat that steak on Friday night?"

What I put "in" had a huge impact on what I put "out". That run on Sunday was hard. I labored, cursed, sweat, and cursed some more... It was hard! Very little enjoyment. Did mention sweat? Turn on the faucet. See Glen sweat. Pretty picture. Not.

Lesson learned (hopefully).

However, I started thinking about my career. The "in" impacts the "out". If I'm filling my mind with negative thoughts; "I can't", "They won't", "This sucks", should I be surprised at my results? The answer is a resounding NO!

How about my on-going learning? If I invest my spare time with television or internet surfing am I really filling my mind with the type of knowledge that will help me achieve my goals? Unlikely.

What are you putting "in"? What's coming "out"?

Start filling your mind today. Start with a book. Time well spent.