Insights for sharing, discussion, and learning.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Inspire! Teach! Think!

As a manager of sales representatives I frequently think that it's within my power to change people. (In fact, if I step back and choose to be totally honest with myself, I seem to believe I can change those closest to me; my wife and daughter quickly come to mind. I'm sure they're in full agreement). Yes, it's a weakness that needs some work.

With sales being one of the most individualist "sports" you can about imagine my success ratio of "getting people to change".

I read sales or leadership books during my ritualistic morning breakfast of Kellogg's Frosted Mini Wheats (Bite Size). This week I started reading Jeffery Gitomer's, Little Gold Book of YES! Attitude. Early in the book I came across this little gem:
"I cannot change your self-discipline or your thought patterns, but I can teach you the lessons. I cannot change the way you respond to your circumstances, but I can make you think about them to a point where you may take some action for yourself."
Chris, my valued peer at work, gave me a key change trinket with the word INSPIRE engraved on it. He uses it as a reminder that he cannot force change on anyone, however he can inspire others to aspire to greater things. He's constantly asking the sales representatives on his team, "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?" At first the members of his team probably were just wishing he'd stop asking the question. I know that today many of them are very appreciative of his approach.

If you're wondering how to take control of your success, I recommend giving yourself a shock to your system. Pick up this book by Larry Winget, It's Called Work for a Reason!: Your Success Is Your Own Damn Fault

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