Insights for sharing, discussion, and learning.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Ambivert - and I Like It!

In a previous post I professed my addiction to the Flipboard App on my iPad. Today, I stumbled upon an Inc. article, Reading This May Be Your Only Non-Sales Activity Today and part way through it I sat back in my chair, sighed, and said, "Finally, I know what I am..."

I'm an ambivert and if you didn't click on the link to the article above already, here's the portion that struck me:

"So what types of people are the best at sales?

Adam Grant, a professor at Wharton, has done research that shows very, very clearly that "ambiverts"--people who are not too introverted and not too extroverted--are the most effective salespeople. Because they are the most attuned. They know when to shut up; they know when to speak up. They know when to push; they know when to hold back. I think most of us are ambiverts."

Now before you blow your coffee all over the place or scream out loud, "Huizenga, you pompass ass", I'm not claiming that I'm the "best at sales", however I am claiming that I'm an ambivert and I'm proud to be a salesperson. Yes, I'm good at it.

Over the years, possibly like you, I've been through multiple personality type testings; Myers & Briggs, DiSC, etc. and I typically test out as an extrovert. Yet my brain screams out, "You're not an extrovert. You are so much more the introvert. You prefer to remain silent. You like to read. You're comfortable being alone. You don't have to be entertained or be the entertainer."

If I ask others, "Hey, be honest, am I an introvert or extrovert?" They always laugh and tell me how extroverted I am. All I can think is that I must a really good faker.

I'm an ambivert.
  • I'm aware ("attuned") of what's going on around me. Sometimes I just notice things... 
  • Because I'm comfortable with silence, I'm a good listener, which I consider to be the best selling skill of them all.
  • I am effective - and proud to say so.
Over the years I've presented at various industry functions. One of my earlier presentations was titled, "Stereotype A or Stereotype B".  It was all about choosing to not live up to the stereotype that others place on you.
  • When I say salesperson, you see in your minds eye a slimey, Used Car Sales Person". Can you say stereotype?
  • When I say janitor, you see a lazy man standing in a corner holding up a broom. Can you say stereotype?
Do you think salespeople are automatically labeled as extroverts? You know that answer and I was never comfortable in the skin that was applied to me.

Today I found myself - I'm an ambivert - and I like it!

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