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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Henny Penny?

My grandma had a book of folk tales. It was an old book, beautifully illustrated. Many of those tales still resonate with me today.

The story of Henny Penny, sometimes better known as Chicken Little, tells the tale of a hen who is convinced, at every turn, that "the sky is falling".

Here's one of those classic illustrations from the book grandma owned.

File:Henny penny.JPG
In my job I run across a myriad of personality types and mindsets. One of the best skills of great salespeople is their ability to be a chameleon. You have to learn to match each personality type. Great reps also have the mindset of "the Little Engine That Could" - "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can"
Unfortunately, over the years, I've been witness to many of "the sky is falling" mindsets in sales reps. It's a dangerous, dangerous mindset to live in. Yet, I'm convinced that they believe they do their best work in "emergency mode". It's a fact, each and every day, they are putting out fires. It seems like every customer interaction is a crisis. They'll tell you they are busy. They'll tell you they are efficient. Really?
Here's a ballsy statement: I'm not sure that the Henny Penny's of the world would have it any other way. I'm convinced they like it. They thrive in it. The want their day to be chaos. Chaos gives them a reason to not plan their day. Chaos is their out. Ultimately, it's an excuse to not be their best.
If you find yourself living a mindset of "the sky is falling" here are a few ideas that just might help you regain control and help you reframe:
  1. Plan: You should be investing 20% of your work week on planning and organization. Plan your month. Plan your week. Plan your day. It's a daily discipline. Commit to it.
  2. Challenge: It's a powerful concept. Are you afraid to say, "no"? It's ok to stand up for your time. In our industry customers will call with a "fire". Usually they don't have all the facts. Stop. Breathe. Think logically. Ask great questions. Your calm demeanor will transcend the situation. Most often, the sky really isn't falling.
  3. Take Control: People love to follow a leader. They don't like to follow the person who is always wallowing in the "woe is me" mindset. Be a leader!
All three require you to be in control of your destiny. It's a choice.
Overcome your "Henny Penny" mindset. Don't allow circumstances to rule your day. You rule your day!  

1 comment:

  1. Glen

    Very astute observation! Having seen you in action I can attest that you have found a process that will prevent you from ever being "Henny Penny". When a supplier makes the statement that he will be a resource partner, very few ever become that resource.
