Insights for sharing, discussion, and learning.

Monday, July 8, 2013

In Affecting the Out

Everyone loves a great tasting burger, right? Grilled to perfection. Juicy. Your favorite toppings. Mmmm...... How can you go wrong?

Or how about that 12oz steak you ate on Friday night? Tasty

Those were my thoughts on my Sunday run. Well, if I'm honest I was really thinking, "Why did I eat that burger today?" and "Why, oh why, did I eat that steak on Friday night?"

What I put "in" had a huge impact on what I put "out". That run on Sunday was hard. I labored, cursed, sweat, and cursed some more... It was hard! Very little enjoyment. Did mention sweat? Turn on the faucet. See Glen sweat. Pretty picture. Not.

Lesson learned (hopefully).

However, I started thinking about my career. The "in" impacts the "out". If I'm filling my mind with negative thoughts; "I can't", "They won't", "This sucks", should I be surprised at my results? The answer is a resounding NO!

How about my on-going learning? If I invest my spare time with television or internet surfing am I really filling my mind with the type of knowledge that will help me achieve my goals? Unlikely.

What are you putting "in"? What's coming "out"?

Start filling your mind today. Start with a book. Time well spent.

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