Insights for sharing, discussion, and learning.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Leadership: Band of Brothers

Can we all agree on this one? Running on a treadmill during the cold, winter months is boring.

Music works. I prefer Metallica. I've tried others, but Metallica simply works best for me. Watching sports on the television works. I used to watch the Red Wings or Pistons or some random college basketball game. Note the "Used to...".

Charter, our cable and internet provider, made a total transition to HD channels. To do so, we now needed a cable box for each TV in the house. Being the tight Dutch boy that I am, I wasn't going to spend the money on another cable box (already have two in the house) for the little used, outdated TV in the room where the treadmill is located.

So, I improvised (well, I actually simply tapped into technology). I use my iPad to watch shows on Amazon Prime.

During my treadmill runs I've been watching the World War II Mini-Series, Band of Brothers. Two major immediate benefits: 1). My runs now last an hour, and 2). I'm learning about WWII and gaining an even greater appreciation for the sacrifice others made for my (our) freedom!

An unexpected learning lesson has been driving itself home as I watch each episode. That lesson: Leadership.

Leadership is earned.
Leadership is demonstrated by action
Leadership is "by example"
Leadership builds credibility
Leadership happens from the front.
Leadership carries responsibility
Leadership inspires when there is no hope
Leadership encourages
Leadership starts with caring about the person
Leadership is earned. (Yes, I repeated myself)

Click the word QUOTES to relive some great moments from the mini-series, Band of Brothers: QUOTES

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