Insights for sharing, discussion, and learning.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Emotions & Personal Magnetism

Most of you know that, while eating breakfast, I've been reading Napoleon Hill's book, Think and Grow Rich.

Today, while reading my 2-3 pages, I was struck by a couple of thoughts he shared:

1. "The world is ruled and the destiny of civilization is established by human emotions. People are influenced in their actions, not by reason so much as by 'feelings'. The creative faculty of the mind is set into action entirely by emotions, and not by cold reason."

Take a minute and read that statement again. Slowly - and let your mind process it.

How can you use his insight in your day-to-day sales interactions? If you're not in sales, how can you use his insight when dealing with the people you interact with?

If you're in sales, KNOW THIS FACT, buying decisions are emotional, not logical. If you create the want, the buyer will justify the decision to buy. Emotion = Want. Facts = Logic/Reason. Create the emotion and close the sale.

2. "When employing salesmen, the more capable sales manager looks for the quality of personal magnetism as the first requirement of a salesman" He also states, "Through cultivation and understanding, this vital force (personal magnetism) many be drawn upon and used to great advantage in the relationships between people. This energy may be communicated to others through the following media:
  • The handshake: The touch of the hand indicates instantly the presence of magnetism, or the lack of it
  • The tone of voice: Magnetism is the factor with which the voice may be colored, or made musical and charming.
  • Posture and carriage of the body: (People with magnetism) move briskly, and with grace and ease.
  • The vibrations of thought: (People with magnetism) mix the power of emotion with their thoughts, or may do so at will, and in that way my influence those around them
  • Body adornment: (People with magnetism) are usually very careful about their personal appearance. They usually select clothing of a style becoming to their personality, physique, complexion, etc.
So, what's the insight?

If you know what makes people tick (emotion) and you use that knowledge when presenting yourself, your company, and your product solution, you will increase your closing ratio. Combine that with the fact that you can "cultivate" personal magnetism by simply being aware, you will be a sales rock star!

(If you need more of a tickler to read Think and Grow Rich, the quotes above are taken from the 10th Step Toward Riches which is called Sex Transmutation. If that doesn't perk your interest, there's little hope for you, my friends)

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