Insights for sharing, discussion, and learning.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Avoiding DELETE

The members of two recently started Sales Study Groups are investing in themselves..."Sharpening the saw", as Stephen Covey so astutely put it. Their goal: Self-Improvement so that they can achieve their lifetime goals. Life-long learning is a choice.

Their First Step: Avoiding being DELETED

We are studying a book by Jill Konrath, Snap Selling. I've already referenced this amazingly relevent book in  a previous blog post called, From Their Perspective.

So what the heck is SNAP Selling?

Here are the SNAP Factors & Rules:

  • Simple
    a). Simplicity is a leading factor in sales success. Just in case this realization hasn't struck you like the proverbial 2x4 upside the head, customers and prospects are living in a perpetual state of OVERWHELM
    b). As Konrath states, make sure your messages and any subsequent proposals are not: "Difficult to decipher - Difficult to decide upon - Difficult to implement"
    c). Rule 1: Keep It Simple - and you will make it easier for customers to buy from you
  •  iNvaluable
    a). "The only chance to truly differentiate yourself today lies in the value you personally bring to the relationship" (p. 26)
    b). Be smart and savvy. Bring them ideas, insights, and information. They can read you like an open book when you think you can just waltz on in all "smooth and charming" or if you're not prepared. They can tell, really!
    c). Rule 2: Be iNvaluable - and customers will choose you over competitors, will be less price focuses, and will remain loyal
  • Aligned
    a). If you are not clearly stating how your product or service aligns with their objectives, you will be tossed out before you even get a chance to prove yourself. Don't be Irrelevant.
    b). Indicators to listen for if your message isn't aligned: "Thanks for sharing. We'll get back to you if we have a need." "We're already working with another company on that." "That wouldn't work too well here. We're different." (p. 28)
  • c). Rule 3: Always Align - and customers will want to work with you
  • Priority
    a). If you feel like you are constantly changing your daily priorities, you must put yourself in the customers/prospects shoes. Their day is interrupted by "new" fires (priorities). That project they told you that you could work on can very easily be relegated to the "not a priority" file.
    b). "If you're not helping a customer with a high-priority issue or initiative, nothing's going to happen. If you can't keep the momentum going, your opportunity disappears." (p. 30)
    c). Rule 4: Raise Priorities - and your sales process goes much faster.

Are your voice messages going unreturned? Do you fear that your messages and email are simply being Deleted? Take a self analysis. Do a SNAP Check

Don't be DELETED. You're better than that.

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