Insights for sharing, discussion, and learning.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Sometimes You Just Have to Step Away

No. I'm not walking away from my job! Get that out of your mind right away. (Yeah, I can hear a few of you muttering though...). Sometimes you just have to step away and relax.

Sarah and I spent the past 4 days in Northern Michigan. We really enjoy ourselves on these mini-vacations. We've been spending long weekends to week-long vacations on the Leelanau Peninsula for quite a few years now. Here's a quick shout out to Tammy at Nature's Rentals. She's been great to work with. If you are considering renting "up north", use her. Tell her that Sarah told you to call!

Stepping away from the busy work schedule was refreshing. For today's post I'll be stepping away from my normal "sales" insights and provide a quick glimpse into the past four days.

  1. Photography in Traverse City at the Grand Traverse Commons. There's nothing like a nutcase pretending to be a photographer on the site of the former Northern Michigan Asylum. (Just in case you're curious, the nutcase is me, not my wife. She's the true artist!)
  2. Wine Tasting at the Wineries of Old Mission Peninsula - We discovered another new friend, although he sounds like he might be a little accident prone, at Bluestone Winery
  3. 4 Mile Run - downhill and uphill.
  4. Dinner at Fischer's Happy Hour Tavern, located just south of Northport
  1. Wine Tasting on the Leelanau Peninsula Wine Trail
  2. Lunch in Sutton's Bay at the 45th Parallel Café
  3. Hike and Photography at the top of Sugar Loaf Mountain and the abandoned ski resort. For some fascinating reading about a controversial subject, check out the Leelanau Blog.
  4. 4 Mile Run - downhill and uphill
  5. Dinner at Western Grill in Glen Arbor
SIDE NOTE: Friday night the wind blew incessantly. Hard to sleep. Thought the windows were going to implode. Fun stuff!

  1. Relaxing morning drinking coffee and reading the GR Press and Flipboard on the iPad while Sarah went out to shoot some more pictures around the area.
  2. Gill's Pier Winery - yup, it was only 11am, but hey, you have to start some time, right? I'm not a huge Cherry Wine kind of guy, but their Cherrio Wine is stellar!
  3. Lunch at The Cove in Leland
  4. Photography around Historic Fishtown in Leland
  5. A little more wine tasting...
  6. No 4 Mile Run - Too dang windy... Super windy - and cold!
  7. Dinner at a very cool new Bed & Breakfast/Inn called Little Traverse Inn. The pub is called The Gastro Pub. Take some time at that webpage to learn more about this recently re-opened facility. The wait staff was great, as was the food!
  1. 4 Mile Run
  2. Breakfast: Asparagus/Tomato/Feta Omelet
  3. Coffee/GR Press/Flipboard
  4. Sarah goes out to shoot some more photographs
  5. 11am. Pack up and leave.
Now about those 4 Mile Runs and the hills.... Yeah, on 2 of the 3 runs, the hills kicked my butt! I walked about halfway up. I hate walking when I'm supposed to be running... Ego & Pride!

On Thursday, it was a slow slough, and walk, up the 1.2 mile hill on Sugar Loaf Mt Road, from M-22 up to the top and our condo which was located on the 18th hole of Sugar Loaf The Old Course Golf Course)

Friday, I thought I would reverse my route, fully knowing that it was going to be a downhill/uphill route either way. However, my logic was if I go down the long 1.2 mile hill on Sugar Loaf Mt Road, then I'll only have the big ass hill on S.Town Line Rd. The Problem: I was so focused on the big ass hill that I forgot about the 2 other slightly less big ass hills that follow. (Yes, Mallory, I feel your pinches for my poor word choice all the from Marquette). Once again, the hill kicked my butt. Ran up half. Walked the rest of the way up. (Although I did run up the next two...)

Now it became a challenge! I made up my mind that I was going to conquer the S. Town Line Rd big ass hills - all three!

As you know, Saturday, no run.

So, Sunday AM @ 7:45am I head out. Down the 1.2 mile hill on Sugar Loaf Mt Road. Turn right on to M-22. (Only 1 car passed me. I was able to jog in the middle of road where it was level). Turn right on to S. Town Line Rd and there it is - the big ass hill!

It's a brutal 1.7 mile climb punctuated by this first, and the true big ass hill. The two lesser big ass hills are yet to come. Conquer B.A.H #1 and be rewarded with two more bad boys.

I put my head down and told myself that I wouldn't look up until I reached the top. With my heart pounding and my lungs wheezing I approach what has to be the top of BAH1, I hear rustling to my left and I am promptly rewarded with 6 deer busting out of the woods and crossing the road a mere 10 yards in front of me. As I watch them cross (while still running, by the way), I notice I'm approaching the top. As I crest the hill I raise both arms Rocky-style ("Yo Adrian, I did it!"). I slow to a walk. Breathing hard (and loud, probably what startled the deer) with my heart flip flopping in my chest, I walk for about 30 feet. Starting to run again, I conquer BAH2 and BAH3. At the top of BAH3 I turn right in to the drive for the condo, returning home a conqueror.

As Chet Holmes, the author of The Ultimate Sales Machine says you have to have, “pigheaded discipline and determination” to succeed!

Sometimes you just have to step away...


  1. It was a great weekend away! And you did great on your runs, but I bet you exceeded your maximum heart rate on those B.A. hills :)

  2. G
    It's great to see that you are getting away. I know you've been working hard and need the away time. Now we need to get you unplugged when you go away on your vacations. :) I bet Sara knows just what I'm talking about.
